Friday, September 11, 2009

My suppaaa powwaah

If i had a superpower i would choose to have an invisible power. That way i would be able to stock everyone i wanted to. I would be able to go everywhere that person goes and they wouldnt be able to see me just hear me, that way i could make them paranoid. I would use my super power to an advantage and to the point of being able to help my friends during their exams. My super power to me feels superior to others. I love my super power!


  1. I am liking your choice of super powwwaaaahhh marlee jack you could use it for many good things and bad things. You are taking yours to your advantage unlike mine :P You choose to stock anyone you please which is not the slightest bit creepy haha.. But! girl i like your style. If i feel like im being stocked cause i hear things but dont see anything i will know it is you

  2. Being able to have an invisible power part of your everyday life would be pretty neat, but don't you think that you wouldn't be noticed at times when needed. It would be cool to be invisible but have people actually hear you talking.
    Great idea!
